Author: cjvinyl

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Prince – Lovesexy

Just a year after “Sign O’ The Times” came “Lovesexy.” It’s not nearly the revelation that the previous album was, at least for me, and while the tracks are strong, it never connected with...

Sign O' The Times cover 2

Prince – Sign O’ The Times

For me, this is the Prince album, the one where his inventive dancey funk energy met rock ’n’ roll and he just turned in maybe the best album of the ‘80s, period. There were...

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Prince and the Revolution – Parade

It’s hard to believe this was really this long ago, going on 40 years that Prince was on a level where he could put out a new album every year, write and produce for...


Prince and the Revolution – Around The World In A Day

There’s no denying the incredible talent and lasting impact of Prince. There’s also no denying that in the ‘80s, I picked up a few of his albums, enjoyed them, but didn’t really become a...

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The Pretenders – Get Close

Learning To Crawl was Chrissie Hynde with only Martin Chambers remaining from the original Pretenders – and two years later, Get Close was just Chrissie, three new band members and a boatload of session...

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The Pretenders – Learning to Crawl

As with most acts, it would seem, I came late to The Pretenders. Not that I didn’t hear their first two records, or at least the singles. I cannot for the life of me...

Impossible a Prononcer front cover 0

Pomplamoose – Impossible À Prononcer

I’ve discovered a number of really interesting musicians through YouTube over the years. It’s another avenue to get exposure, and as someone who doesn’t listen to the radio or stream music, anything new is...

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Buster Poindexter – Buster Poindexter

In the ’70s and ’80s, there came a time in every young man’s life when he became convinced, often by his friends, that signing up with a record “club,” such as Columbia House Records,...