David Crosby/Graham Nash — Wind on the Water
I’ve written before on what a bad fan of CSN/CSNY I am – meaning that I considered myself a fan, and yet had hardly any of their records for the longest time. That bad fandom extended to a lack of curiosity about their solo work.

That was somewhat justified by my lack of enthusiasm for Nash and Crosby’s “Graham Nash / David Crosby” release, which I’ve had since the summer of 1979. It’s not a bad album, but it also just never caught my ear in all these years I’ve been dragging it around. No spark for me.
Nevertheless, Forever Changes had an inexpensive copy of 1975’s “Wind on the Water” available this summer, so I picked it up just to see – and again, while it was fine, it just didn’t do anything for me. Played it a few times, put it back in the new rotation shelf, and left it there.
Then as I was trying to remember my impressions of it for this blog, I played it again. And again, and then again. And I think I’m starting to actually like it. There’s no hit single here, not even really any standout track, but . . . there’s definitely a mood, and a pleasant one. So if you take this album as just an atmospheric piece, it’s quite enjoyable, and all of a sudden, that’s how I’m taking it.

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