Tagged: record collection

The Muppet Show front cover 0

The Muppets — The Muppet Show

It’s so weird to think about how very many department stores there used to be that just don’t exist anymore, and in particular how many boomed and busted in the 1970s through the early...

Long Distance Voyager front cover 0

The Moody Blues — Long Distance Voyager

Despite my dedication to The Moody Blues described with the last entry, I was barely aware they had an album in 1978, “Octave.” Their first album since 1972’s “Seventh Sojourn,” it had two singles,...

Seventh Sojourn front cover 4

The Moody Blues — Seventh Sojourn

From 1972, a No. 1 album for The Moody Blues, with two great songs by bassist John Lodge being the most memorable, “Isn’t Life Strange,” “I’m Just a Singer (in a Rock and Roll...

A Question of Balance front cover 0

The Moody Blues – A Question of Balance

Weirdly, I was standing around outside an open mic the other night, waiting in line, and in a conversation with another performer about how much he loved the ’70s classics, he said “A Question...