Tagged: record collection

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Aimee Mann — Mental Illness

After Bachelor No. 2, I remained a staunch fan of Aimee Mann. “Lost In Space,” which came out just two years later, really hit me, just an incredible collection of songs very much in...

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Manassas — Down the Road

I picked this up at Deep Groove in Phoenixville sometime in 2018 or ’19, after being completely hypnotized by the excellence of the first Manassas album for a year or two, but knowing that...

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Manassas — Manassas

As promised, I’m finally back with more drivel about my record collection. Manassas, the debut by Manassas, is a record and a band I barely knew existed before just a few years ago –...

People Like Us front cover 0

The Mamas & The Papas — People Like Us

If this retrospective walk through my record collection has taught me anything recently, it’s that I really don’t care that much about The Mamas & The Papas, and yet I hold onto the records...

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The Mamas & The Papas — The Papas & The Mamas

I picked up a very beat-up copy of this 1968 release at a garage sale a mere 11 years later, and remain confounded at how other people treat their records. How could you beat...