Author: cjvinyl

Missing Persons EP front cover 0

Missing Persons — Missing Persons

Missing Persons was one of those bands that suddenly made a splash thanks to MTV – otherwise I likely never would have heard of them. Their video for “Words” was in heavy rotation in...

Photograph front cover 0

Melanie — Photograph

Just another Melanie record, just another mid-pandemic purchase. 1976’s “Photograph” just hits differently than the other Melanie records. It starts with as close to a rocker as she’s gonna get, the second side opens...

Madrugada front cover 0

Melanie — Madrugada

This was the one that started it, my first Melanie record. I bought it at some point in 2019, running across it in the bins somewhere, and being in both a ’70s mood and...

Stoneground Words front cover 0

Melanie — Stoneground Words

As I’ve already said, my experience with Melanie, other than the few hits she had on the radio in the ’70s, is entirely within the context of the pandemic, having picked up nearly all...

Garden In the City outer diecut cover 0

Melanie — Garden In The City

Another of my numerous Melanie acquisitions from the MaTones $5 bins during the depths of the pandemic. By that point in 2020, afraid to go anywhere and seeing worse times coming, if I saw...

Leftover Wine front cover 2

Melanie — Leftover Wine

Perhaps the most bargain-bin of my Melanie records, this one was only $3 (in 2020 dollars, mind you!), but even though the cover’s edges are a bit rough, it looks good and the sound...

Candles In the Rain front cover 1

Melanie — Candles in The Rain

Looking back at my abandonment of the Woodstock Two album, which I talked about last time, I really wondered why the Melanie tracks that were on that collection hadn’t resonated with me, and didn’t...