Author: cjvinyl

Here Are The Courettes front cover 0

The Courettes – Here Are The Courettes

I know I’m not unusual in occasionally getting obsessed with an artist I’ve discovered on YouTube – the algorithm pushes me something remarkable, I browse through nearly everything they have to offer, add them...

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Country Joe & The Fish – Reunion

“Reunion,” released in 1977, constituted a reunion of the 1967 version of Country Joe and the Fish. They wisely didn’t just dip into the old psychedelic well, because that really wasn’t likely to go...

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Country Joe & The Fish – C.J. Fish

It’s amazing how quickly the air can go out of a band. Country Joe and the Fish started as a folkish duo (with Barry Melton performing the function of The Fish) in 1965, went...

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Country Joe & The Fish – Together

Their third album, released in 1968, is apparently somewhat ironically titled. It was begun as a Country Joe-less effort by just The Fish, but then Joe McDonald rejoined the band. Still, most of the...