Category: Pop

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Cyndi Lauper — She’s So Unusual

It’s hard to express how big this album was in 1984, how ubiquitous it was, and how long it was on the charts (77 weeks). Released in October 1983, the single “Girls Just Want...

k.d. lang Shadowland front cover 2

k.d. lang — Shadowland

I’m not sure when I would have heard of k.d. lang were it not for a Warner Records sampler CD series, the “Just Say Yes” series. The first one came out in November 1987,...

Lake Street Dive Obviously front cover 1

Lake Street Dive — Obviously

A 2021 release, y’all! I don’t live entirely in the past! Back at the beginning of 2018, our local coffeehouse was gonna be hosting a show by a duo called Rachael and Vilray, and...

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Lake Street Dive – Obviously

I don’t refer to the pandemic in the past tense – it’s still very much with us, and the effects are still just as deadly for some. We managed to evade COVID until this...

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Lake Street Dive – Free Yourself Up

As part of my late catch-up to Lake Street Dive, I bought this 2018 release just a year ago. I must admit that it has been at the bottom of my stack when it...

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Lake Street Dive – Side Pony

This fun release from 2016 is pretty new to me – picked it up at the beginning of 2022, when we all needed something new and fun in our lives, and this album really...

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Lake Street Dive – Bad Self Portraits

As I mentioned before, I didn’t get on the Lake Street Dive train until 2021, but once I did, I was all aboard and have since collected most of their discography. This release from...