Eddie Cochran – C’mon Everybody
This collection of Eddie Cochran songs came from The Netherlands. Its release date is unclear but probably 1979. I bought it at Syracuse’s Desertshore Records for $4 (and never took the price tag off). When I got it, it had already been owned by someone who marked three tracks (“C’mon Everybody,” “Proud of You,” and “Stockings and Shoes”) with marker dots. Although I’ve got other albums with markings here and there, I don’t believe I have another where someone marked what I presume to be their favorite tracks. Very odd.

Otherwise, I think every single song on this is also in the 20th Anniversary Album, so I probably only bought it in my excitement over finding an Eddie record, and only played it when I didn’t feel like opening up the box set.
It’s worth noting here that every Eddie record I own is a collection of some sort. Despite his prolific output in the five or six years he was actively recording, and the dozen or so singles that he put out from 1957 until his death, there was only one actual Eddie Cochran album released while he was alive: “Singin’ to My Baby,” from 1957. Everything else was posthumous.

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