John Lennon and Yoko Ono — Heart Play: Unfinished Dialogue
After John Lennon was murdered, I put together a tape of Lennon songs (both Beatles and post-Beatles). I had recorded a long-form radio interview he had done to promote Double Fantasy, and copied snippets of that over as interstitial pieces between songs. Sometimes the quotes were on point to what was about to play, sometimes not. It was for a long time one of my favorite tapes, and one of the few that were of a single subject. Nearly all my tapes were compilations, with a few direct album rips. But a tape of favorites by one artist was a rarity for me.
A few years later, after his death, this record was released, just ahead of the release of Milk and Honey, containing, among other things, audio from the 1980 Playboy interview. and several others I grabbed this, of course, because I was still a huge fan and The Beatles were still a very big part of my musical life, but it was definitely fading. And while I was thrilled that I might have a better sound source for the interview snippets (which I had originally taped off the radio), I never put them to any further use. In fact, If I played this twice, that’s probably a lot, and given all that’s been going on in life in the last couple of months, I have not found room to play this again for this project, and I really don’t care to heard the “how John became a househusband” story again. So, back on the shelf it goes.

Things We Said Today