Lake Street Dive / Fun Machine

And so we come to the portion of this project that will go just about like the Funkadelic portion did – where I have a whole bunch of new (to me) records in my collection by one artist I previously had no history with, and not a lot to say about any of them on a personal level. That’s gonna be the story of Lake Street Dive.
I had never even heard of Lake Street Dive before a local music afficianado group hepped me to them. As Shawn at Forever Changes record store here says, “Phoenixville loves Lake Street Dive.” I first wrote about them back in 2021, when their album “Obviously” came out in the height of the pandemic. Since then, I’ve amassed most of their discography, and got to rectify my earlier mistake (detailed here) of missing seeing Rachel and Vilray perform in the coffee shop that is our second home – though this time, they were playing to a full theater.
This is a reissue that contains both their first album, “Lake Street Dive” from 2010, and their first EP, “Fun Machine” from 2012. I bought it just a year ago, and have to admit I haven’t given it nearly as many listens as their more recent albums.

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