The Blasters – Non Fiction
This was actually my first Blasters album, the one I got after being completely blown away by their appearance in “Streets of Fire.” “The Blasters” was completely in line with the incredible hard-rocking, fast-bopping roots rock sound they presented in their two songs in that movie. “Non Fiction,” though, takes that raw energy and channels it through some incredible songs to make what is, without question, one of my top 10 albums of all time.

It opens strong with “Red Rose,” and just keeps on sailing. These are rocking, romantic, frenetic. “Jubilee Train” evoked “The Grapes of Wrath,” which I was heavily into at the time. “Bus Station” is one of the fastest sad songs I’ve ever heard:
“She musta had a screw loose in her head / How could she believe all the things he said / She lies to him / He kisses her / Gettin’ tired of love.”
Every song is a gem. And every song makes my wife dance, which is a good thing.
Things We Said Today