The Jam – Snap!

I have such a weird relationship with The Jam. Considering when they were big – right in my late teen years – I really should have been very, very into them. But the thing is, I’m in the US. The Jam had no chart presence, no radio play, no nothing until “Start!” came out in 1980, and even that only appeared on the dance charts here. I probably only became aware of them around then, or 1981, 1982, when I was sometimes springing for a copy of NME, or Trouser Press. Style Council, Paul Weller’s next project, got a lot of attention in 1983, and that, too, brought some awareness that there had been this band called The Jam.

The Jam – Snap! front cover. The top of the album features the band name and title in jaunty font. Beneath that is a picture of three members of the Jam, three young men, walking toward the viewer in cold weather gear, all with hands in their pockets, crossing a gray public square of belgian pavers – one in a short jacket; the middle on in long black coat and gray scarf; the third also in long black coat.
The Jam – Snap! front cover

In 1985, my old roommate Danny sent me a pair of CDs that were hugely influential on me. One was The Best of Elvis Costello & The Attractions – a band that I had frankly ignored until that point. I wrote about that when writing up “My Aim Is True.” The other was “Compact Snap!” by The Jam. Having heard little to none of this material before, I was absolutely floored by that impressive collection, put together after the band had split up. But, as is sometimes the case with a good survey, it was so thorough that I didn’t feel the need to go back and find any of the actual albums. At that point I was mostly done pawing through used record bins, and, given how little attention they received in the US, it’s entirely possible I didn’t run across CD re-releases of their actual albums in those years. In any case – “Compact Snap!” was my entire Jam collection for nearly 40 years. I listened a lot, but only to that one disc.

Interestingly, when they were in high school, my younger kid became quite enamored of The Jam – and by that time, of course, there was YouTube and other ways of finding music. Somewhere in there they got a copy of “Sound Affects,” which I still don’t have, and a couple of years ago I got them a copy of “All Mod Cons.” So my kid was well-supplied with The Jam, and, while I was able to get those digitally, my shelves remained Jam-free.

That is, until last New Year’s Eve Eve, the penultimate day of 2023, when I bought “Snap!” for myself. Omigod, how was this missing from my rotation?!

In fact, just sitting here listening, I can see that I’m going to have to get down to the shop and ask for a couple of special orders, just to see what’s available. I mean, how do I not have any of their live material, digital or vinyl?

Oh, and hey, this reissue came with the live 4-track EP!

Postscript: in the three days since I first posted this, this page alone has had 2500 real visitors (Jam traffic, you might say), and a bunch of you have left comments about your love of The Jam! Thanks for sharing!

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5 Responses

  1. Tim says:

    Being a teenager in the UK in the early 80s, obviously The Jam were massive in my life and I had a vinyl copy of Snap! just after they split. I remember that little red EP well, their version of Move on Up switched me on to Curtis Mayfield

  2. Nige says:

    Hi saw them back 1980 off my tits it was cool night, thank you for reminding me of good times, ish,
    Nige the mod,
    Well back in the day,

  3. Dave says:

    I was in the about 6th in the queue for tickets outside the Apollo in Manchester,(we nicked off school that day to get tickets) on the day the jam announced they were splitting up, it made everything more, well more

  4. STEVEN D COYNE says:

    being a massive jam fan from first time I heard on the radio 1 show with John peel 1977 the album in the city and that was it I was hooked line and sincker and I still go to see Paul weller and from the jam with Bruce Foxton the first time I seen them was in 1978 with the clash damed sham 69 stranglers and more I have brought my kid’s up to the jam and now my grandkids who’s friend’s are listening to them aswell now just goes to show you can’t keep great bands and songs down.

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