Eurythmics — Savage
Just about a year and a half after “Revenge,” Eurythmics came out with “Savage” in November 1987. Counting myself as a Eurythmics fan based on their previous two albums, I must have bought this without even hearing anything from it — or at least I suppose so, because none of the four singles from this album charted in the US (they may not even have been released, though I think “Beethoven (I Love To Listen To)” at least had a video release.

After working with full bands and guest stars, Dave Stewart apparently decided that was enough of that, and on this album did nearly everything himself. Both have apparently said this was their personal favorite album. It is not mine. It never really went into much rotation with me, and as I listen to it now, it’s hard to remember the songs, even as I’m listening to them. There don’t seem to be any hooks. I just find it . . . dull.
At the time, I was very much into classical music; we had season tickets to the Syracuse Symphony, which was a very good orchestra. So I also loved to listen to Beethoven. But even invoking that common sentiment doesn’t make this record do anything for me, at all. Back on the shelf it goes.

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