Back From The Grave, Volume Three
After picking up my first Back From The Grave, which happened to be Volume Four, I was lucky enough to find two more. Volume Three was next, and it’s no less insane and great than Volume Four. Seventeen tracks of tear-it-up garage rock from unknown bands of the mid-sixties, another ghoul-inspired cover by Mort Todd, and more wild liner notes. For example, for Fugitives’ “You Can’t Blame That On Me” –

The second wildest Fenton [label] record (nothin’ but the best, folks) and the best song by any of the 5,783* groups called the Fugitives.
*(From the Official U.S. Government census entitled ‘1960s Garage Bands Calling Themselves “The Fugitives.”’

Want a sample? How about Little Willie and the Adolescents doing “Get Out Of My Life,” an anti-Beatles song if ever there was one:
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[…] If you want to read about some garage rock that has been with me for decades, look back at the Back From The Grave […]