Author: cjvinyl

Fascination! cover 0

The Human League — Fascination

The Human League’s next release after their platinum Dare in the US was this 1983 EP, apparently pushed out while work was still proceeding on the next full album. It’s a bit meh, honestly....

Human League Dare front cover 1

The Human League — Dare

I’ll admit, I was kinda putting off The Human League. I thought they just weren’t where my head was at these days. Blues or basic rock ‘;n’ roll? No problem. ’80s electronica? Eh… I...

Howlin' Wolf cover 0

Howlin’ Wolf — Howlin’ Wolf

Until I bought this record about three years ago – a brand new reissue of his second album, with a gorgeous new cover but no hint of the iconic “rocking chair” by which the...

Hot Tuna Yellow Fever front cover 0

Hot Tuna — Yellow Fever

So yes, I did buy three Hot Tuna records at once. This and the last two, “America’s Choice” and “Burgers,” were all picked up at a rare excursion to Shady Dog Records down in...

Hot Tuna front cover 2

Hot Tuna — Hot Tuna

The deficiency of my Hot Tuna collection is a little embarrassing, especially given how big a Jefferson Airplane fan I am. I’ve always known that Hot Tuna was essentially Jorma Kaukonen and Jack Casady...

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Hot Tuna — Burgers

I wrote not too long ago about about how very, very late I was to the Hot Tuna scene. But in a very short time, I’ve really made up for it. Since last November,...

John Lee Hooker – John Lee Hooker 0

John Lee Hooker — John Lee Hooker

If I haven’t said this before, I should, just to remind myself: If you see a John Lee Hooker record, buy it. For one thing, even if it has the same song titles as...