Category: ’60s

Donovan's Greatest Hits front cover 2

Donovan — Donovan’s Greatest Hits

As an aficionado of pretty much everything from the hippy dippy era, I was of course obliged at some point to get at least slightly into Donovan. It was mandatory. I remember my roommate...

Willie Dixon – The Chess Box 0

Willie Dixon — The Chess Box

When I started this project, I absolutely knew that I was going to miss some of the box sets – they’re off on another shelf, and easily forgotten. So yes, when I first went through...

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Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young – So Far

This is the album that was my actual introduction to CSNY. In the ’70s, this album was ubiquitous, required of any teenager with the slightest hippie/folkie/singer-songwriter tendencies — and most of my friends were...

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Crosby, Stills & Nash — Crosby, Stills & Nash

Sometimes musical interests can be tidal, with ebbs and flows. It’s possible to be super into something for a while, maybe even a long while, have that interest recede, and then someday to have...


Cream – Heavy Cream

Okay, until I ran across this record at a vinyl market earlier this year, I don’t believe I had ever seen it. Issued in October 1972, now well more than three years since Cream’s...

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Cream – Live Cream

As I noted, other than a battered copy of “Fresh Cream” and a somewhat less battered copy of “Goodbye,” my Cream experience in the vinyl age relied on what I had put onto cassette...

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Cream — Goodbye

So it turns out that the Cream album I’ve had the longest is their last one, the live and studio mix that came out after their breakup. I’d say I picked up my first...