Category: ’70s

Funkadelic Uncle Jam Wants You front cover 2

Funkadelic – Uncle Jam Wants You

This was a 1979 release – there were three other albums between “Let’s Take It to the Stage” and this, but I don’t have any of them, yet. Of all my Funkadelic records, this...

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Funkadelic — Let’s Take It To the Stage

I’ve written before about how, when Funkadelic was creating the world of ’70s funk, I was not the teen who was ready for what they were putting down. I was told to like John...

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Funkadelic — Cosmic Slop

1973’s Cosmic Slop brings us a Funkadelic without Eddie Hazel, but with some more traditional song structures. If my 13-year-old brain had encountered this album when it came out, I would at least have...

Front cover of the Funkadelic album, "Funkadelic." Under the title is a kaleidoscope-inspired photograph of eight identical faces, joined together in a circle, with the faces overlapping so they each share eyes where the faces meet. 5

Funkadelic — Funkadelic

I’m right here admitting that for many years, my record collection was unfunky. Funkless. Free of the funk. An old Ohio Players record and George Clinton’s “R&B Skeletons in the Closet,” and neither one...

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Dean Friedman — Dean Friedman

I believe this is a first: a record that I owned as a teenager, subsequently got rid of – most likely out of embarrassment –– and have now procured again, a mere 42 years or...

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Ellen Foley — Nightout

Okay, I’ll admit it . . . I had a bit of a crush on Ellen Foley. I made no attempt to hide it. It was so obvious that one of my former roommates...