Joe Jackson — Tucker
Joe Jackson – Tucker
Whereas “Mike’s Murder” just seemed to work as an album, without much consideration of the movie it was ostensibly the soundtrack to, 1988’s “Tucker” is much more of a traditional soundtrack, primarily made up of incidental music from the movie with a few full songs thrown in.

Thematically, they all fit the ’40s feel of the movie, which is about an upstart who wanted to create the car of the future (disc brakes and seat belts!). It’s all very pleasant and listenable, but it doesn’t really hang together as an album, and as a result I’ve played it rarely. That I bought it on vinyl in 1988, after buying his 1987 foray into classical, “Will Power,” on CD, indicates that I didn’t have a lot of expectations, though it had to potential to supplement “Jumping Jive.” I never saw the movie, so I bought this on the strength of my Joe Jackson fandom alone. And it’s fine, but I never play it.

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