Louise Post – Sleepwalker
Sure, I can alphabetize. Zoiks. Well, sometimes I just miss a record – in this case, literally because it was right next to the turntable and not on the shelf, because I play it so much. So that’s why Post comes after Psych. (That won’t be my excuse for the next one, though, so . . . )

I came to Veruca Salt fandom really sometime after they had broken up, but was thrilled when they not only got back together but created a fantastic new album, Ghost Notes, back in 2015. It’s usually only a dream that a band can truly mature by a couple of decades and yet come out with material as vibrant as what they were originally known for. That was definitely the case with Ghost Notes. Still love that one – but when it came out, I wasn’t actively gathering vinyl, so I only have it on digital.
Then last year Louise Post announced she was putting out a solo album and I got unreasonably excited – I even pre-ordered it, which is not my usual move, but I really wanted to be sure I could get a copy. Well, I wasn’t disappointed. This record is fantastic. Rocking, moody, fantastic. All the spirit you’d expect. And I truly do just keep playing it over and over and over. I called this one of my top 3 favorite records of 2023.

Things We Said Today