Vinyl Distractions

So Far front cover 0

Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young – So Far

This is the album that was my actual introduction to CSNY. In the ’70s, this album was ubiquitous, required of any teenager with the slightest hippie/folkie/singer-songwriter tendencies — and most of my friends were...

If I Could Only Remember My Name 0

David Crosby — If I Could Only Remember My Name

Here’s a record that, until last year, I just straight-up didn’t know about. We went to see the David Crosby biopic “Remember My Name” at the Colonial Theatre last October (had I mentioned that...

Crosby, Stills & Nash 1

Crosby, Stills & Nash — Crosby, Stills & Nash

Sometimes musical interests can be tidal, with ebbs and flows. It’s possible to be super into something for a while, maybe even a long while, have that interest recede, and then someday to have...

Stranger and Stranger 0

Marshall Crenshaw — Stranger and Stranger

There’s not a lot to say about this one — it’s a three-song single (Discogs calls it an EP) that Marshall Crenshaw was selling at one of his shows here at Steel City Coffeehouse....

Downtown 0

Marshall Crenshaw – Downtown

This one’s brand spanking new. To me, that is. The album itself came out in 1985, and despite another change in production and direction, it didn’t do very much. If I even noticed that...