The Church — Persia EP
Next up comes “Persia,” another EP, released in August 1984, just six months after “Remote Luxury.” Very much in the same vein as the tracks on that earlier EP, just sweet dreamy jangle-rock without a bad track on the set. I said last time how The Church felt to me in that spring of 1984, and this was more of the same, feeling wise. The cover is kinda the standard weird ’80s spooky-model-in-a-graveyard look, wich I mean in a good way. And maybe it’s not a graveyard, could just be a woods. But it’s a cover that suits the music, and we’ll see another shot from this photo session on the next album.

I think my favorite of the tracks is “No Explanation” —
Directions aren’t clear when you’re standing here
And you cheer me with your faithless surprise
Hope you can see what that’s done to me
There’s no explanation
As with “Remote Luxury,” this is just so evocative of that time for me. I would never not want to hear this. This EP was only released in Australia and New Zealand, and somehow my copy came from New Zealand.

Things We Said Today