Author: cjvinyl

Donovan's Greatest Hits front cover 2

Donovan — Donovan’s Greatest Hits

As an aficionado of pretty much everything from the hippy dippy era, I was of course obliged at some point to get at least slightly into Donovan. It was mandatory. I remember my roommate...

Aliens Ate My Buick 2

Thomas Dolby — Aliens Ate My Buick

No one could accuse Thomas Dolby of doing the same thing over and over again. Starting with the weird Euro-atmosphere of “The Golden Age of Wireless,” moving into the very spare and beautiful “The...

The Flat Earth front cover 0

Thomas Dolby — The Flat Earth

This came out in February 1984, right in the midst of our transition from wild college students into semi-stable married couple. My love of Dolby already established by “The Golden Age of Wireless,” I...

Willie Dixon – The Chess Box 0

Willie Dixon — The Chess Box

When I started this project, I absolutely knew that I was going to miss some of the box sets – they’re off on another shelf, and easily forgotten. So yes, when I first went through...

Willie Dixon Catalyst front cover 0

Willie Dixon – Catalyst

What can I possibly say about Willie Dixon, one of the greatest blues writers and performers of all time? Other artists made such great performances of his songs that a 1990 Chess box set...

Bedtime for Democracy front cover 0

Dead Kennedys — Bedtime for Democracy

I actually got this one before I got “Frankenchrist,” though probably not by much. It came out in November 1986, and I’m remembering I got it right around when it came out. I was...