Author: cjvinyl

The Creeps Now Dig This! 3

The Creeps — Now Dig This!

A rare case where I’m going to take a pair of records out of chronological order because this is the one that first caught my eye and turned me on to the wonderful oddness...


Cream – Heavy Cream

Okay, until I ran across this record at a vinyl market earlier this year, I don’t believe I had ever seen it. Issued in October 1972, now well more than three years since Cream’s...

Live Cream 0

Cream – Live Cream

As I noted, other than a battered copy of “Fresh Cream” and a somewhat less battered copy of “Goodbye,” my Cream experience in the vinyl age relied on what I had put onto cassette...

Goodbye front cover 1

Cream — Goodbye

So it turns out that the Cream album I’ve had the longest is their last one, the live and studio mix that came out after their breakup. I’d say I picked up my first...

Wheels of Fire front cover 0

Cream — Wheels of Fire

Astute readers may begin to wonder exactly what Cream albums I did have — because here’s another one, from 1968, that I only recently acquired. Never had it before, not even digitally, until I...

Disraeli Gears front cover 0

Cream – Disraeli Gears

This is probably the best known of Cream’s albums — released in November 1967, Cash Box listed it as the No. 1 album of 1968, a year with some incredible musical competition. This is...

Fresh Cream front cover UK 0

Cream – Fresh Cream

For the most part, I hold onto my records no matter what. There was a time when we were pretty short on space and I just decided to consign a whole bunch of records...