Category: Funk

Betty Davis Nasty Gal front cover 0

Betty Davis — Nasty Gal

This is the last of Betty Davis’s three original albums, released in 1975, and the last of the three that I’ve just acquired. Again . . . this is revelatory funk. Why has this...

The Creeps Now Dig This! 3

The Creeps — Now Dig This!

A rare case where I’m going to take a pair of records out of chronological order because this is the one that first caught my eye and turned me on to the wonderful oddness...

George Clinton 1

George Clinton — R&B Skeletons in the Closet

People, I am here to admit that, in 1986, I did not have the funk. I mean, I remembered ‘70s funk fairly fondly — there wasn’t anybody who wasn’t at least a little familiar...

Say it Live and Loud front cover 0

James Brown — Say It Live and Loud

I never had any idea this record existed until two weeks ago when I found it at Forever Changes. It was a beautiful evening, the weather so cooperative that on the first of May...

The Psych Funk of Black Merda 2

Black Merda — The Psych Funk of Black Merda

I ran across this at Forever Changes, Phoenixville’s weekly pop-up record store, where I have taken advantage of an eclecticism wildly out of proportion to what you would expect from a pop-up to venture...