Category: Jazz

Spirit front cover 0

Earth, Wind & Fire — Spirit

As I said last time, I just got these Earth, Wind & Fire records at the close of 2019. We had had what we thought then was a fairly rough year. Well, it still...

Open Our Eyes front cover 0

Earth, Wind & Fire — Open Our Eyes

We went through a thing last fall where, because of some family obligations that fall on the sandwich generation, my wife was away from home for weeks. When she got back home, almost the...

Ray Charles In Person 0

Ray Charles – In Person

This is one I picked up just a couple of years ago, at Deep Groove Records here in Phoenixville. I’ll be honest — given naming conventions of the ’50s and ’60s, I didn’t necessarily...

Yes Indeed! cover 0

Ray Charles – Yes Indeed!

This was another Ray album I only picked up recently. Man, these old Atlantic pressings sound sweet, even . . . holy cow, 60 years later. It was only his third studio album, and...