Category: Rock

Ooh-La-La front cover 1

Faces — Ooh La La

I talked last time about how I came very late to Faces, and yet now they are one of my all-time favorite bands. I had “Ooh La La” digitally about 10 years back, but...

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Face to Face – Confrontation

Everything I just said about Face to Face’s eponymous debut album? Ditto for 1985’s “Confrontation.” Ditto for fun, ditto for power rock with great female vocals, ditto for “I played this in the ’80s...

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Face to Face — Face to Face

I’ll admit I feared that as I got to the start of the F’s, I was going to have to endure something that maybe I wasn’t up for: Face to Face. I honestly didn’t...

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Elton John — Caribou

Just to drive home a point about his incredibly prolific early output — Elton John released studio albums in June 1969, April 1970, October 1970, March 1971, November 1971, May 1972, January 1973, October...

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Elton John – Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

Sometimes I just have to marvel at the creative pace that was kept by (forced on?) recording artists in the ‘60s and ‘70s. I’ve talked about it before with The Beatles and The Animals...

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Elton John – Honky Château

Originally released in May 1972 — I was in the sixth grade, not yet really listening to music, just about to get seriously into AM Top 40 radio. I wasn’t hip to Elton John,...