Vinyl Distractions

Out of the Blue front cover 0

Electric Light Orchestra — Out of the Blue

Just about a year after “A New World Record,” and really, only months after the singles from the album hit it big, ELO released “Out of the Blue” in October 1977. That was the...

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Electric Light Orchestra — Olé ELO

ELO sort of snuck up on me in my teens. I remember hearing “Can’t Get It Out Of My Head” on the radio — it was a pretty big hit in 1975, and I...

Electric Flag The Band Kept Playing front cover 0

The Electric Flag — The Band Kept Playing

Continuing to play catch-up with records I’ve purchased after I covered their section of the alphabet – which is becoming more of a problem as I get deeper into the alphabet. As I’ve written...

Eccentric Deep Soul front cover 0

Various Artists – Eccentric Deep Soul

It’s funny that we commonly look down on collections, compared to works by single artists, and it’s true that they’re often a mess. K-Tel collections are just anything they could get a license to...

Spirit front cover 0

Earth, Wind & Fire — Spirit

As I said last time, I just got these Earth, Wind & Fire records at the close of 2019. We had had what we thought then was a fairly rough year. Well, it still...

Earth Wind & Fire Gratitude album cover 0

Earth, Wind & Fire — Gratitude

I wrote last summer about how there was no Earth, Wind & Fire in my life, and then suddenly there was. At the time these records came out, I was a Top 40 radio...