The Aynsley Dunbar Retaliation — Retaliation

I was so excited by the little sampling of the Aynsley Dunbar Retaliation I heard on the Sire “History of the British Blues, Vol. 1” collection that at the same time as I ordered “Doctor Dunbar’s Prescription” from a seller on Discogs, I ordered this as well. Very uncharacteristic of me to just assume I was going to like something that much, especially something that I only had a couple of samples of (neither of which is on the LPs that I ended up buying). But damn, I was not wrong.
This 1969 release starts with a brooding piece much closer to a rock dirge than the blues, moves into a very standard but exciting blues in “Run You Off the Hill,” evolves into full-on organ boogie in “Let It Ride” – and just keeps going from there. I’ve been playing this a lot.
Again we have a release on the BYG Pop Blues series, but this album was originally released as “Retaliation” in the UK, as “To Mum, From Aynsley and the Boys” in Europe and the US.

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