Category: ’60s

Say it Live and Loud front cover 0

James Brown — Say It Live and Loud

I never had any idea this record existed until two weeks ago when I found it at Forever Changes. It was a beautiful evening, the weather so cooperative that on the first of May...

It's All Happening 0

Boyce & Hart — It’s All Happening On The Inside

Boyce & Hart’s third album came out in 1969 (it was actually released in Canada in 1968), very soon after their second record. It’s not quite a concept album, but it’s definitely thematic, and...

I Wonder What She's Doing Tonite? front cover 0

Boyce & Hart — I Wonder What She’s Doing Tonite?

If Test Patterns was a bit of a disappointment coming from two of the biggest hitmakers of their day, “I Wonder What She’s Doing Tonite?” more than made up for it. The title track,...

Test Patterns front cover 2

Boyce & Hart – Test Patterns

If you don’t recognize the names Boyce & Hart — well, then you don’t recognize a couple of ‘60s songwriting deities. If you know The Monkees, then you know Boyce & Hart. Tommy Boyce...

The Box Tops front cover 0

The Box Tops – The Letter/Neon Rainbow

I almost skipped this one. Why? Well, it was out of order in my collection, and it’s a record I may not have physically played since, oh, say, 1980. It’s a record that is...

Psychdelic Lollipop 0

Blues Magoos — Psychedelic Lollipop

Somehow I got through an intense period of ’60s rock/British Invasion/rhythm ’n’ blues/psychedelic fandom without ever buying a Blues Magoos record. I’ve got The Beau Brummels and the Standells and The Barbarians and The...