James Brown — James Brown at the Apollo Vol. 1
I’ll have to admit to a shocking lack of James Brown in my life until the late ‘80s. I mean, I knew he existed, and I must have known some of the songs, even...
Ramblings about My Records
I’ll have to admit to a shocking lack of James Brown in my life until the late ‘80s. I mean, I knew he existed, and I must have known some of the songs, even...
I never had any idea this record existed until two weeks ago when I found it at Forever Changes. It was a beautiful evening, the weather so cooperative that on the first of May...
Boyce & Hart’s third album came out in 1969 (it was actually released in Canada in 1968), very soon after their second record. It’s not quite a concept album, but it’s definitely thematic, and...
If Test Patterns was a bit of a disappointment coming from two of the biggest hitmakers of their day, “I Wonder What She’s Doing Tonite?” more than made up for it. The title track,...
If you don’t recognize the names Boyce & Hart — well, then you don’t recognize a couple of ‘60s songwriting deities. If you know The Monkees, then you know Boyce & Hart. Tommy Boyce...
I almost skipped this one. Why? Well, it was out of order in my collection, and it’s a record I may not have physically played since, oh, say, 1980. It’s a record that is...
Despite having a great love for the Stax/Volt sound, despite loving almost everything they ever produced, I have to admit that I rarely put on Booker T and the MGs. When I go instrumental,...
Another new one (to me), and another one that challenges alphabetization. This was another splendid find from Siren Records in Doylestown from earlier this year (2020) when I raided their blues bins (thinking I...
Somehow I got through an intense period of ’60s rock/British Invasion/rhythm ’n’ blues/psychedelic fandom without ever buying a Blues Magoos record. I’ve got The Beau Brummels and the Standells and The Barbarians and The...
Things We Said Today