Category: ’70s

Iggy Pop Pair record 0

Iggy Pop – Iggy Pop

Ya know, I never got into Iggy Pop in my earlier years. When I was young, his harder edged sound just wouldn’t have been my thing. And when I became more aware of his...

Hot Tuna Yellow Fever front cover 0

Hot Tuna — Yellow Fever

So yes, I did buy three Hot Tuna records at once. This and the last two, “America’s Choice” and “Burgers,” were all picked up at a rare excursion to Shady Dog Records down in...

Hot Tuna front cover 2

Hot Tuna — Hot Tuna

The deficiency of my Hot Tuna collection is a little embarrassing, especially given how big a Jefferson Airplane fan I am. I’ve always known that Hot Tuna was essentially Jorma Kaukonen and Jack Casady...

Hot Tuna Burgers front cover 0

Hot Tuna — Burgers

I wrote not too long ago about about how very, very late I was to the Hot Tuna scene. But in a very short time, I’ve really made up for it. Since last November,...