Category: Rock

The Guess Who Road Food front cover 0

The Guess Who – Road Food

Growing up when I grew up, of course I was exposed to The Guess Who. You didn’t get through the ’70s without knowing Guess Who songs, and probably even liking them. The Canadian band...

The Fugs Tenderness Junction front cover 0

The Fugs — Tenderness Junction

If you know anything about The Fugs at all, it’s probable that you know them for one of the greatest anti-war “protests” ever — the time they were part of an effort to levitate...

The Fugs First Album cover 1

The Fugs — The Fugs First Album

You don’t know ’60s protest music if you don’t know The Fugs. This album was originally released in 1965 as “The Village Fugs Sing Ballads of Contemporary Protest, Point of Views, and General Dissatisfaction.”...

Ellen Foley – Spirit of St. Louis 0

Ellen Foley – Spirit of St. Louis

Last time I talked of my long affection for Ellen Foley (despite the fact that the didn’t buy her debut album, “Nightout,” until last year (it’s a character flaw: see also, Karla Bonoff). While...

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Ellen Foley — Nightout

Okay, I’ll admit it . . . I had a bit of a crush on Ellen Foley. I made no attempt to hide it. It was so obvious that one of my former roommates...