Vinyl Distractions

Open Our Eyes front cover 0

Earth, Wind & Fire — Open Our Eyes

We went through a thing last fall where, because of some family obligations that fall on the sandwich generation, my wife was away from home for weeks. When she got back home, almost the...

Retaliation front cover 0

The Aynsley Dunbar Retaliation — Retaliation

I was so excited by the little sampling of the Aynsley Dunbar Retaliation I heard on the Sire “History of the British Blues, Vol. 1” collection that at the same time as I ordered...

Donovan's Greatest Hits front cover 2

Donovan — Donovan’s Greatest Hits

As an aficionado of pretty much everything from the hippy dippy era, I was of course obliged at some point to get at least slightly into Donovan. It was mandatory. I remember my roommate...

Aliens Ate My Buick 2

Thomas Dolby — Aliens Ate My Buick

No one could accuse Thomas Dolby of doing the same thing over and over again. Starting with the weird Euro-atmosphere of “The Golden Age of Wireless,” moving into the very spare and beautiful “The...

The Flat Earth front cover 0

Thomas Dolby — The Flat Earth

This came out in February 1984, right in the midst of our transition from wild college students into semi-stable married couple. My love of Dolby already established by “The Golden Age of Wireless,” I...

Willie Dixon – The Chess Box 0

Willie Dixon — The Chess Box

When I started this project, I absolutely knew that I was going to miss some of the box sets – they’re off on another shelf, and easily forgotten. So yes, when I first went through...

Willie Dixon Catalyst front cover 0

Willie Dixon – Catalyst

What can I possibly say about Willie Dixon, one of the greatest blues writers and performers of all time? Other artists made such great performances of his songs that a 1990 Chess box set...