The Beau Brummels – Introducing The Beau Brummels
As my collection must have made obvious by now, there was a period of time when I was into just about anything to do with the ‘60s, particularly the British Invasion of ’64-’65-’66, and...
Ramblings about My Records
As my collection must have made obvious by now, there was a period of time when I was into just about anything to do with the ‘60s, particularly the British Invasion of ’64-’65-’66, and...
I’ve written before about The Flashcubes – for post-punk powerpop fans in Syracuse at the end of the ‘70s, there was no band more energetic or exciting. While we saw them in a lot of...
Kids, you may not know there were once dark days when the only Beatles music available were the official releases. All the alternate takes and live radio appearances that are now on collections like...
The intensity of my love for The Beatles, starting in that magical fall of 1978, continued for quite a few years. Of course The Beatles weren’t all my roommate and I listened to, but...
So way back when I wrote a prelude to the Beatles section of this vanity project, I explained that after discovering the Red album and the Blue album in the autumn of our freshman...
Oh, did I think we were going to roll from “Abbey Road” right into “Let It Be”? No. In a strict chronology, the album that was released after “Abbey Road” was this compilation, titled...
The order of “Abbey Road” confuses everyone, because it doesn’t seem to fit with the narrative of the time. What seems to make sense is that The Beatles released “Abbey Road,” an absolute masterpiece,...
First, we had albums from a band so famous that it didn’t need to put its name on the album covers. Now, we have an album where the only thing on the cover is...
Here’s another example of knowing The Beatles before I really knew The Beatles. Although I was pretty insulated from radio and music generally until I was about 12, I spent my teen years as...
Things We Said Today