Category: ’60s

Introducing The Beau Brummels front cover 0

The Beau Brummels – Introducing The Beau Brummels

As my collection must have made obvious by now, there was a period of time when I was into just about anything to do with the ‘60s, particularly the British Invasion of ’64-’65-’66, and...

Hey Jude front cover 0

The Beatles – Hey Jude

Oh, did I think we were going to roll from “Abbey Road” right into “Let It Be”? No. In a strict chronology, the album that was released after “Abbey Road” was this compilation, titled...


The Beatles – Abbey Road

The order of “Abbey Road” confuses everyone, because it doesn’t seem to fit with the narrative of the time. What seems to make sense is that The Beatles released “Abbey Road,” an absolute masterpiece,...